Passaddhi Vihara
A Monastic Residence in the Pacific Northwest
Currently located in Olympia, Washington State, USA.
Two Bhikkhunīs practicing for awakening have come to the Pacific Northwest to develop a monastery, Passaddhi Vihara, dedicated to bhavana (the practice leading to liberation, the heart’s release, Nibbāna).
The first phase continues! – a rental located in West Olympia, Washington State with online Dhamma programs.

Dhamma Programs
Ways to Support
Current Ride Offerings
Rides needed for both bhikkhunīs
- None needed
- at the Vihara
- to be Picked up at a Restaurant
- by a Gift Card to a Restaurant
- on Alms Round
- by Delivery
See the useful things list for things that are needed at the vihara or by the monastics. Items can be brought to the vihara in West Olympia or delivered. Please email for the address.
There are many support opportunities in these early days of setting up the vihara. Please join us at community planning meetings or volunteer directly for specific activities, such as giving rides to the monastics, providing technical help setting up contact management and newsletter, acting as a financial steward, ... Sign up here.
Currently the rent coverage is one of our biggest support needs. (Expanding the community of volunteers is the other.)
Your financial support helps cover the costs of rent, utilities, travel and other basic needs. It helps maintain the monastery and support the monastics.

Access to GiveButter donation platform for credit/debit cards, PayPal, Venmo and checks.
Latest News & Blogs
2024 Year End Message
🪷🪷🪷 A wonderful year 🪷🪷🪷 It has been an amazing eight months at Passaddhi Vihara. We arrived in Olympia at the end of April. With the help of friends we quickly found a rental to...
2024 Almsgiving Ceremony
Sunday, November 17th Celebration --- ZOOM LINK for 3-4:30 pm PT -- Join in person or online as we celebrate the completion of Passaddhi Vihara's first ever Vassa. This is a...
Forest Meditation with Passaddhi Vihara Bhikkhunis
Wednesday, July 24 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Join Ayyā Suvijjānā and Ayya Niyyānika in the Nature Reserve at Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA for a day of meditation. Partial or...