A Vihara has been Found!

Published: May 10, 2024

feature photo taken in nearby forest by Holly.

The bhikkhunīs of Passaddhi Vihara will move into a small rental this Sunday. 🎈🎉🎉🎉🎈

Ayya Suvijjānā and Ayya Niyyānika were helped by a number of people in finding and qualifying for an apartment. The new monastic residence is a duplex on the Northwest peninsula of Olympia, Washington State, USA. The lease is for six months which will include Passaddhi Vihara’s first Vassa. 🎉🌲🎉

photo from Butler Cove website.

We were lucky to find an apartment management company willing to work with the unique situation of monastics and will do the walk-through and get the keys tomorrow, Friday, May 10th. 🎈🔑🎈

The apartment is in easy walking distance to a bus route so the bhikkhunīs can do alms round in Olympia on some days and quickly get to a forested area for walking and sitting practice outdoors. It is also very near Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation on E End St. We hope to get acquainted with them and other neighbors soon.

Passaddhi Vihara Dhamma Sharing on Zoom and in-person dates and times and Alms Round days in Olympia are coming soon.

What is scheduled now includes:

Saturday, May 11th, Ayya Suvijjānā and Ayya Niyyānika will be at Clear Mountain Monastery community gathering in Seattle.

Friday, May 17th, the bhikkhunīs will join the Olympia Thai and Tacoma Cambodian bhikkhu saṇghas for alms round at 1420 E 44th St, Tacoma, WA at 9:30 am. Welcome to come and offer to the dual sangha!

photo from Google maps website.

Meals may be offered directly to the bhikkhunīs at the new vihara in the mornings of the offering day or placed into the kappiyabhūmiṃ (kitchen storage area) for someone to offer on a later day on your behalf. Please see the Support Calendar for sign up days and write to [email protected] for the exact address of the new vihara. Other ways to offer include gift cards to restaurants or grocery, or delivering using a service, such as DoorDash, UberEats, or GrubHub.

The vihara will not be open to drop-in visitors. It is a small dwelling mostly intended to support the monastics’ meditation practice and study. By pre-arrangement, there will be time available around the meal offering to have some Dhamma conversation with a monastic. Please see the Support Calendar for sign up days and write to [email protected]. This dwelling is not allowed to be a public venue by the nature of the rental agreement so the number of visitors at one time will be limited to individuals or small groups.

The bhikkhunīs are planning to find a public venue for Dhamma sharing soon. A Zoom account has been donated for this first year, so online Dhamma sharing may also start soon. Stay tuned! 🎈📡 🎈

To help support the vihara, explore the website for lists of useful things, ways to donate, and ways to participate.

Volunteers are welcome for many supportive tasks such as web and social media support, bookkeeping, driving, meal offering, and many other things to come. It takes a community to build a monastery.

If you have specific skills to offer or general interest, please write to: [email protected].

We are rejoicing together at the goodness and support already arising and look forward to developing Passaddhi Vihara in line with the Buddha’s teaching for these next six months in this rented space and then into whatever emerges from our efforts together.

photo taken in nearby forest by Holly.

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