Photo Gallery 2024 (Year in review)
The journey started in April with Ayyā Suvijjānā and Ayya Niyyānika meeting at Karuna Buddhist Vihara to discuss the possibility of starting a Vihara. The photos below illustrate the journey and all the good people met along the way. Passaddhi Vihara wouldn’t exist without you!
The year is ending and the Winter Retreat is about to begin for the bhikkhunīs at Passaddhi Vihara (Dec 26 – April 6). Sadhu! Anumodana for all your support!
with KBV bhikkhunis in April
Meal time with the KBV Bhikkhunīs at the Karuna Buddhist Vihara Hermitage
Early days at Macrina in May 2024
Bhikkhunīs join Ajahn Nisabho and Clear Mountain Community before a Saturday Gathering in Seattle
Temporary Housing With the Patersons
Hosted by the Paterson family while looking for a rental in Olympia, WA.
from the Passaddhi Vihara’s back porch
Found a rental after ten days search with this view out the back door
Kwan Yin Alter Early Days
Kwan Yin, Bhikkhunī Mahapajapati Gotami and Dhamma book supporting the early days of the Vihara
Ayya Suvijjana Hugging Tree
On a walk nearby at the Evergreen College Preserve – just a short bus ride away.
Ayya Suvijjana Teaching Outside
Ayyā Suvijjānā teaches at an outdoor daylong for the Clear Mountain Mittas in Olympia
Meal Offering at the Vihara
Meal offering in the early days at the Vihara – the monastics are nourished
Buddhangkura Buddhist Temple Almsline
Almsline at the Thai Temple in Olympia with many visiting and resident bhikkhus
Wat Buddhangkura 25 year Celebration
Bhikkhunīs Join in celebration of the 25th year of Wat Buddharangkura
Screenshot of Dhammadharini Sutta Zoom
Although no longer in person, the Passaddhi Vihara bhikkhunīs connect with Dhammadharini and the Suttas by Zoom
Evergreen forest talk
Ayyā Suvijjānā shares Dhamma at Half Day Meditation Walk and Sit at Evergreen College Protected Forest
Evergreen group
Good company at Half Day Meditation Walk and Sit at Evergreen College Protected Forest
Monastics at Parayana Alms Selfie
Monastics at Paryana Vihara’s Almsgiving Celebration – Selfie version
Parayana Vihara Almsgiving Celebration
Monastics at the Celebration for Parayana Vihara’s Almsgiving in Port Townsend
Circle of Bhikkhunīs
The bhikkhunīs form a circle for sangha coordination before the sima making and ordination
Kammavacacarinīs with Venerable Satima
Ayyā Suvijjānā and Ayya Niyyānika question Venerable Satima during her ordination ceremony
Empty Cloud Sangha at Ordinations
Monastics gathered for the ordinations of Venerable Satima and Venerable Vaddha
Empty Cloud with Ven Satima
The last Bhikkhunīs left at Empty Cloud after the celebration include Ayya Soma, the new bhikkhunī, Venerable Satima and the bhikkhunīs from Passaddhi Vihara
Empty Cloud Outdoor Buddha
Passaddhi Vihara bhikkhunīs, new bhikkhunī, Ven Satima, and the Empty Cloud monastics, including the new bhikkhu, Ayya Vadha + Teddy the cat
Bhikkhunis receive robe cloth at KBV Kathina
At Karuna Buddhist Vihara the Bhikkhunīs receive the Kathina cloth that will be sewn into a robe that night
Alms Celebration Meal
Monastics from Three Monasteries in Western Washington Gathering for a Meal before the Almsgiving Celebration
Alms Celebration with bowls
Ajahn Kovilo Leads the Monastics in the Meal Receiving Line before the Almsgiving Celebration
Alms Celebration Entry
Muditā Paterson brings in the Cloth Offering followed by Andrew and the Elephant at the Almsgiving Celebration
Novice and Bhikkhunis at Almsgiving Celebration
Ayya Niyyānika introduces the program for the celebration
Almsgiving The Monastics
Monastics sharing Dhamma and rejoicing with the community at the Unitarian Universalist Church
Alms Celebration Ayya Suvijjana Storytelling
Ayyā Suvijjānā tells a story about the Buddha taming an Angry Elephant
Alms Celebration Audience
Even an elephant cushion was available for the smallest Almsgiving Celebrants
Almsgiving The Group
Community gathered at the Unitarian Universalist Church for the Almsgiving Celebration
Alms Celebration Andrew
Andrew Patterson brings the Elephant for the Group Photo at the Almsgiving Celebration
Screenshot of Bhikkhunīs sharing Dhamma
Bhikkhunīs Share Dhamma on Zoom the Week after the Almsgiving Celebration
Clear Mountain QandA Bhikkhus and Ayya Niyyanika
Ayya Niyyanika joins Clear Mountain Community for their Weekly Gathering
Ayya Niyyānika responds to a question
Ayya Niyyanika responds to a question at Clear Mountain gathering
Screenshot of Dhammadharini Sanghamitta Day Panel
Joining Dhammadharini’s Sanghamitta Day Bhikkhunī Panel discussion